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Thursday, July 17, 2008

What is wrong with this election????

As I listen to election rhetoric from both parties, along with the questions from the media, I find myself asking what on earth is wrong with this election year? We have our two candidates, and we are only a few short months from election day yet we still have little information regarding what the candidates stand for. Obama, least of all!

As I listen to the news and commentary shows, it seems to me that Obama is getting far more coverage than McCain, but he never really says anything significant. When Obama, or members of his campaign are asked about his position, all we get is diversion. "Let's talk about Bush's failed policy" or "the Bush/McCain policy". Did I miss something? When was McCain elected Bush's vice-president (or even selected as a member of his cabinet)? Last night, I watched an in-depth report on how dining plays such a crucial role in campaigning! Who did it most focus on? Obama, of course! I don't care what he eats or where; I just want to know what he is going to do for (or to) our economy and security if he is elected. McCain's positions are more clearly defined, but you rarely hear much about them in the media. In fact, you don't hear much about McCain at all in the media

Obama supporters could better be described as followers. His campaign is based on popularity and charisma. He has been identified as "a rock star" "dynamic" and other personality describers, yet we have no evidence of leadership at all. We hear all sorts of people supporting Obama talk about how we need him to save us; but no one tells us how he is going to do this. We are asked to accept that he is "Change we can believe in". I'm sorry, but the religion I cling to is the only one I will take on faith.

Here is what I know about the candidates (that really matters):


Wants to end the Iraq war in 16 months

Wants to eliminate all the Republican tax cuts (including capital gains, death tax, etc.)

Is opposed to domestic drilling and nuclear (but has a heavy financial interest in ethanol)

Wants to start negotiations with Iran

Wants to provide universal medical care to all

Supports taxing Americans to fight global poverty


Believes we are winning the war and supports a controlled draw-down and redeployment of troops from Iraq

Wants to keep the tax cuts, reduce goverment spending, and possibly provide additional tax cuts to the middle class

Supports expanding our domestic drilling options

Supports (and has a plan for) building additonal nuclear power plants

Now that we have these positons identified, can we please get the media to pursue these. I want to hear the candidates talk about these issues, not how many people they can pack into a stadium (am I the only one that thinks this sounds rather narcissistic?). When I say that I want to hear the candidates talk about these issues, I do not mean a red-herring discussion where the question is avoided by pointing out the other candidate's flaws.

While I am on the subject of red-herrings... Let's talk about the media. I really do not care what Jessie Jackson said about Obama, or what the latest New Yorker cover says about the candidates. I am sick and tired of hearing what a certain candidate's gum preference is. I also do not care where McCain's wife gets her money from (do we really think her being a beer heiress is a conflict of presidential interest), or whether or not Obama's wife plays a role in his election campaign. I'm not voting for most popular First Lady.

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